STEVEN WENGRYN 20, 5'11" 175 lbs. This photo is one of several hundred token by AMG during his visit to the West Coast last summer. (See other "at home" shots in the center spread. of this issue.)

Steven is now offering photos of himself directly, taken by some of the world's finest physique photographers. He may be written at Callbox 26 Lenox Hill Station, New York 21, NY. Send him $3 for a set of 12 4x5 photos. If an autograph is desired, Steve will be glad to colige but please allow plenty of time for this because he is often travelling.



Number 1

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Physique Pictorial is published 4 times each year by AMG 1834 West 11th Street Los Angeles 6, California. 2 year subscription by third-calss open flap mail: $2.50. By first class sealed, plain envelope $3.30. Foreign countries add 50c extra per year. BACK ISSUES: Volumes 5, 6, and 7 complete set $4. (add 70c for 1st/class sealed postage in US before July 1, $1 after July 1.) Individual back issues 41 cents each (before July 1st, 46c after July 1st): Spring 55, Summer 55, Fall 55, Winter 55, Spring 56, Summer 56, Fall 1956, Winter 56, Spring 57, Summer 57, Fall 57, Winter 57.

ADVERTISING Paid advertising is never accepted in Physique Pictorial, but price information about photos and drawings etc is given as a special service to customers who might find this information of use. We are not responsible for the claims of other companies, but if any do not stand behind their claims and do not give good service we will not include them in future issues.

EUROPEAN REPRESENTATIVES: GREAT BRITAIN: John Valentine 23 Deanswood dr. Moortown Leeds England, or Dominique Suite 35 A. 119 Oxford St. London W 1 England. BELGIUM: Henri Garsou (Muscles) 17 rue Haute, Andrimont: HOLLAND: Cultuur-en-Ontspanningscentrum Postbus 542 Amsterdam. FRANCE: Edy Silvian 39 rue Sainte Anne, Paris 1. GERMANY: Chris Denning 17 Niersteiner Strasse, Frankfurt am Main.

AMG THOUSAND MODEL DIRECTORY $1. Just as the title implies, this book contains over a thousand fine athletes in a good size picture along with catalog information. The 100 5x8 pages includes a hard slick card cover to make this a durable part of your photo collection.


COVER: STEVEN WENGRYN in AMG photo XHI-CD. 8x10 photo $1.50. More pictures and information about Steve on pages 16 and 17. BACK COVER: "NUDE YOUTH" by Sculptor David Tomlinson (who also wrote the AMG film "Pygmalion" which is now in production). This is one of the most magnificent pieces of contemporary sculpture we have seen in sometime. It is 13 inches tall, fired Incaware and is offered in a variety of finishes (bronze, mahogany, antique,mahogany, walnut, antique walnut, black iron, antique iron, satin white, and ivory). The price is $25 FOB Hollywood. Address Inca Industries Bax 45 Hollywood Calif. Send them stamped envelope for copy of their catalog.

BEAUTIFUL CERAMIC TORSO is available from David Damon 8205 Santa Monica Blvd West Hollywood 48, California., price $25. These sell in the shops for up to $40 but David is making them available to PP readers for the low $25 price. He offers a number of other striking decorator art objects and will send a beautiful brochure for 25 cents. The 25 cents can be applied as credit on first purchase.

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BILLY HAWKINS at age 16 57 145. Hopes one day to run his own gym,___ His hobby is art, from Salt Lake City. This is AMG photo XLI.xx

Letters from Readers. PP AND SEGREGATION. "I have been dismayed by the Winter announcement that plans have been made to publish an 'all-negroe' catalog. While understanding the possible financial return it might have, it seems to me to be inconsistent with your editorial policies. Repeatedly they have claimed to be leading us toward higher principles and morals, calling for liberal mindedness, stability, and consistent convictions. Yet when it comes to taking a stand that does not involve censorship but would help everyone accept the right and the worth of all men through a factor that unites us as creatures of the same Creator, you do not further the cause brotherhood, but cleverly suggest that there is a difference in man due to the color of his skin.........."D.E.H. Ohio. Editor's note: A. M.G.'s special all negroe catalog was intended as a tribute, not a slight to that fine, healthy race. As a matter of fact, we dont believe that all men are created equal--most of the colored boys we have met have definitely superior physiques to the average Caucasion. A number of customers have asked us to prepare an all negroe album group because that is all they are interested in purchasing. And far from feeling superior because of their pale white skins, most of our athletes here do everything they can to get a dark rich tan. Physique photographers particularly like to work with dark skinned people as they photograph very easily, give beautiful highlights. For the record let us make it very clear that our organization judges every individual according to his individual merits. We do not believe that skin color has any social, or "religious" significance. We believe that a Negroe should be proud of his dark skin and magnificent ancestry.

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